




Organizations and businesses of all types have a wealth of resources that can assist in their growth and development.  Individuals and families also have treasures that benefit from organization and identification. Cataloging, preserving and sharing archival and artifact collections can contribute greatly to the reach of your organization or your family.  Services are provided to professionally manage these collections and explore the possibilities of inviting a larger community to discover these resources and for organizations to develop stronger connections and financial support.


Historical research is an exciting journey whether you are discovering your family history, exploring a specific site, group, business or interesting topic.  Regardless of the subject the pursuit can be challenging.  Knowing where and how to research information and documents can save a great deal
of time and frustration.  Griffin Development Services can provide research support to assist in your journey or conduct the research directly.  We
also provide services to creatively present and preserve your research
​for generations to come.   

The Carson City Community Archive is a special project of Griffin Development Services, LLC.  Our goal is to collect, preserve and share all aspects of Carson City, Nevada's history to build connection among local residents, businesses, and organizations and with a larger community. 
​Visit www.carsoncitycommunityarchive.com to learn more.

Providing Services in Resource Development

Griffin Development Services is committed to providing clients with the knowledge, skills and best practices to implement successful resource ​development programs.  Our services in collection management and historical research provide efficient and effective support that enhances organizational missions, leverage financial support, and allow resources to be preserved and shared for generations to come.

- Coming Soon - 

Griffin Development Services, LLC, invites those that enjoy history, research and discovery to join our social community.  Our new YouTube channel Unlocking Treasures Together, will allow us to celebrate, share and learn together about inspiring places, activities, people and items.  You can join the conversation and the research efforts by participating.   

Preserve. Share. Connect.